MM Seattle Homes with John L. Scott

“Like the hermit crab, I want a home to be a perfect fit for anyone at any stage of life.”

For someone like me who was born and raised in Japan, buying a house was a “once-in-a-lifetime purchase” until I jumped into the real estate industry in the US.
However, here in the US, it seems like people switch homes akin to hermit crabs, finding new shells for a variety of reasons such as changes in family structure, getting a new pet, or as an investment property.
This is because the value of real estate increases year by year unlike Japanese real estate.

Even after your children have moved out, dealing with the recurrent chore of mopping up water leaks in the expansive basement after every rain, the weekly task of mowing and daily watering.. By considering downsizing, you may be able to free yourself from the extra chores that plague you.

Residing in a condominium, you’ve never utilized the pool or tennis courts, yet the HOA fees increase annually. Exploring alternatives like a modest single-family home or a townhouse without HOA dues might be worth considering.

A home that aligns with your lifestyle, a residence that truly reflects who you are. It’s more than just a house; it’s a space where you can welcome each day with health and happiness. A place where you’re not just living but thriving, a sanctuary that beckons you to stay and return to time and time again.

– Licenses –

OH Real Estate Salesperson
WA Real Estate Broker

Miki Maruyama (丸山 美樹)

Born and raised in Kyoto, Japan. Graduated from Doshisha University, Department of Law. Mother of a baby boy.

Following graduation, her passion for automobiles steered her towards a position at Honda Motor Co. There, she played a pivotal role in the future development of four-wheeled vehicles within the Purchasing Division for new models. Leveraging her robust communication skills, she consistently collaborated with laboratories, plants, and suppliers, significantly contributing to the timely launch of new models.

One day, as she was driving, a large truck cut in front of her, sparking immediate curiosity about how the driver could navigate such a sizable vehicle with such finesse. This curiosity prompted her to obtain a large vehicle driver’s license herself. This amusing episode provides a glimpse into her adventurous and inquisitive personality.

In 2017, she moved to Ohio, U.S.A., and began working as an assistant for a well-known top Japanese real estate agent in the area. After she moved to Seattle, she’s been dedicated to her career as a real estate agent, all about the idea that a home should be the place where you start each day with health and happiness.

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